4k fuel lines

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 25 23:55:19 EST 2005

I'd replace as much as possible. The EKTA may tell you what diameter it is. You can usually rent the double-flare tool at your local FLAPS. They usually have the instructions, or you can ask one of the guys there how to use it. As far as where to get the line, can't help you there. I'm sure you can get SAE lines pretty easily, but I'm not so sure about metric. Since you have fittings on the existing hard line, You are pretty much stuck with running hard line the whole way. That is unless you can find suitable flex lines that can handle the pressure and flexing of the car.
Tony Hoffman

Aaron Jongbloedt <jungle at hickorytech.net> wrote:
SO...what are my options, and does anyone know the diameter of the fuel
line? Or where to obtain it? How does one splice it in there? I have heard
of double flaring but I have never done it before
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