Popping clunk from back end when stopping

Alex Kowalski akowalsk at comcast.net
Fri Jan 28 19:56:14 EST 2005

Exhaust system hangers?  Is the exhaust system moving around longitudinally?  

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ

>From orsopers at comcast.net  Fri Jan 28 17:44:11 2005
>From: orsopers at comcast.net (ORSOPERS)
>Date: Fri Jan 28 17:44:12 2005
>Subject: Popping clunk from back end when stopping...
>Message-ID: <000201c5058a$d7745bc0$0201c4c0 at notsogreatroom>

>Anyone have any ideas what might cause pop or clunk from the rear end when
>stopping?  It doesn't happen every stop.  If I am very light on the brakes
>it wont do it.  The back end of the car has to come up some.  Sometimes the
>clunk happens 1/2 a second after letting up on the brake pedal, but usually
>it is right when I let up on it.


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