Extra part - '94 90 Quattro 2.8L V6

Alan Pritchard alan.pritchard at rm-electrical.com
Thu Jul 7 11:20:26 EDT 2005

Theres one on the 5 cyl cars
On them it sits at the front of the rocker cover on a little bracket
Think its some kind of underbonnet temp sensor!??!!?

Best Regards
Alan Pritchard 
Network Administrator 
R&M Electrical Group Limited 

Tel: +44 (0)23 8068 6610 
Mob: +44 (0)7870 164812
web: www.rm-electrical.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]
On Behalf Of Louis_Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
Sent: 07 July 2005 16:05
To: harchris at smokesignal.net
Cc: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Re: Extra part - '94 90 Quattro 2.8L V6

> Assembling heads on '94 90 Quattro 2.8 L V6.
> Have an extra part, don't know where it goes. Wires come from drivers
side and
> lets the part reach right side valve cover.
> Looks like a miniature O2 sensor. Has 2 black wires coming out of top.
head is
> 14 mm, threads are 10M, about 10mm long, with small sensor body out of
> Top has printing 'NTK'
> Flats have '28F', 'RW1', and '62' on them.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers
> George

>From the name NTK, which is the sensor division of NGK (
http://www.ntktech.com/), I can guess it is an oxygen sensor. There is 2
this engine, one per bank. The location of the O2 bung looks to be at
back of each manifold.
Are both still present ?

shooting in the dark...

quattro mailing list
quattro at audifans.com

R&M Electrical Group Limited

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Date: 7/7/2005

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