Eurolights in - night turns to day!

Steve Sears steve.sears at
Wed Jul 13 10:47:21 EDT 2005

Hi all,
After some reeeeeallllyyy long nights lying in the driveway under my car
with a set of ratchet crimpers in my hand, the NA eurolight project is
complete.  Took the car for a drive last night after I aimed the lights and
wow, what a difference! (aka - I can see where I'm going on a dark country
road).  A couple of things I learned:
1. Expect to spend almost half of the project fixing things like the
switched alternator wire, the charge air temperature sensor, etc. etc.
2. Dollarama sells a wicked housing for the fuses/relays in their
"tupperware" aisle,
3. Figure out where you want the fuses and relays before stringing the wire
from the alternator,
4. It's easier to work on the front of the car with it on ramps (realized
after I took the alternator out - good thing the H&R's aren't in, yet)
5. LED's used as turn signals need a Load Equalizing resistor (stated as 6
ohms, 50 watts) to make the signal flash at a normal rate.
Shortly after I had the lights in, but not powered, I had a scare with a
concrete truck on the 403 (potholes, puffs of dust behind truck, concrete
aggregate bouncing off my new windshield) - I'm going to get some protection
for the lights - Stonguard or ??? - Recommendations?
Steve Sears
1987 Audi 5kTQ - now the NA Eurolight "front mounted flamethrowers"
1980 Audi 5k - quad DOT lights - no probs with night
1962 and '64 Auto Union DKW Junior deLuxes - 6v 7" round lights are brighter
than the 5ktq DOT lights!

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