4000Q Fuel Q: DPR Differential Pressure Regulator

SuffolkD at aol.com SuffolkD at aol.com
Fri Jul 15 22:32:25 EDT 2005

I have to clarify and correct my last post on this topic:
The Bentley 85-87 CIS-E 4000Q on page 20.9 calls the two screw thingy the:
Differential Pressure Regulator. that's the thing I can Ohm meter a value 

The FPR , Fuel Pressure Regulator is on the return line, nearly tucked under 
the pass fender beside the CIS box and fuel distributor............
-Scott by BOSTON

In a message dated 7/14/2005 6:21:25 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
> I had this exact part (FPR) fail in my 87 4000Q years ago.  I was able to 
> tell it was bad as an Ohm meter across the two terminals showned infinity or 
> open contact.  Spec is somewhere around 470 Ohms (guess) or some fixed figure. 
> I suspect dirt is upstream of the system as I already did the fuel filter. 

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