Fwd: Cheaper firewall fix?

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Fri Jul 22 13:03:08 EDT 2005

On 7/22/05, Brendan <mailinglist at endosquid.com> wrote:
> On Friday 22 July 2005 04:14 am, Max Wellhouse wrote:
> > I finally tracked down the guy out west that makes that $100 steel
> > gizmo that prevents the firewall from collapsing/flexing so the
> Perhaps you could post the details in case others want to spend the dough.

Done!   forwarded message below...

From: "Jeffrey P Lewis" <jplewis at ucsc.edu>
Date: 2004/02/24 Tue PM 06:14:35 MST
To: ekellock at adelphia.net
Subject: Re: urq clutch firewall brace

Hi Ed,

The braces are .110 steel, waterjet cut, pecision bent,
tig welded, then powdercoated.
You do_not have to bleed any of your clutch/brake system
to install it. I include instructions.

I will send you a pic of one actually bolted to the
steering rack, and clutch master cylinder, while out of
the car. It's very difficult to see it installed.

Let me know if you have any other questions.


link:  http://www.succulents.com/quattro/firewall

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