Installed oil pressure gauge -- sludge problem

Arthur Marks aamarks at
Sat Jul 23 21:22:37 EDT 2005

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Robert Myers 
  To: Arthur Marks 
  Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 8:44 PM
  Subject: Re: Installed oil pressure gauge -- sludge problem

  At 08:24 PM 7/23/2005, you wrote:

    1300 miles since the oil change and now my pressure won't get above 30 psi (2 bar). I guess the filter is getting clogged.

  Or a failing oil pump.
  Or bad bearings.
  Or super bad rings.

  Where would "sludge" be coming from?  Have you actually observed "sludge"?  Or are you repeating what some wrench has told you?  

It would come from the heat of a turbo along with the dino oil and 10000 mile oil changes that were originally specified by Audi. (The problem with my car began before the change)

I can open the oil filler cap and see the black gunk everywhere. I did an oil change myself (according to the new filter and oil spec) within 2000 miles after buying it because the oil light came on. I scraped some of the tarry substance off with my fingernail then, and you can still see the clear shiny mark. So seems like no new sludge. The light came back on 1000 miles later after driving for 5 hours.

Audi has me coming for oil changes at 2000 mile intervals for a reason (to clean the engine). They do skirt around the issue changing the pump at 25000 miles, and most recently the level sensor (even though it was the pressure warning that has been lighting).

My first rant that detailed the problem can be reviewed here:

or here:

Here's what I wish I had seen before I had bought:


(None of the problems below)

  How is your coolant?  Level going down?  Any trace of oil contamination in the coolant?  (Possible head gasket leak.)  Any sign of coolant getting into the oil (IOW, any "sludge" in the oil)?  There are all kinds of possible oiling problems.  A clogged filter, assuming a proper Mahle or Mann filter sporting a bypass valve), ain't one of them.  Most likely causes of oil pressure problems are covered above.


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