[audifans] 4000s starting issue (no click/crank)

928s at canada.com 928s at canada.com
Sun Jul 24 21:07:30 EDT 2005


 Thanks for the input. OK, I understand the headlamp /
startup routine now.
 I checked the solenoid with a testlamp. lights OK at
OFF (term50) & lights OK at turn of key to start
position (term 30).
 Seems to be a bad solenoid at this point. Strange
though, when I have the key in the half-turn postion,
the hork hardly makes more than a click noise. The Horn
fuse is OK.

 Briefly looking through my notes & the "Audi 4000,
Coupe: 1984-87 Manual", it mentions a groundwire &
mounting bolts - neither or which i can see (looking
back from the front of the vehicle). I have it up on
the standard jack so I guess I need to view from behind
the right-front tyre. Any tips on RE & RE ?

alex v.
early '86 4000s auto 
5-Cyl. 2.2
288K Km. in Canada

John McMahon  <jfm at nts-online.net> to 928s, quattro

Likely, you have a problem with either your ignition
switch or the starter
itself.  Possibly, the battery, too.  I would load test
the battery, first.
This is a far better evaluation of the battery's
capacity than just checking
batteyr voltage at the poles.  Turn the ignition to
"on" and then switch on
the headlights, fog lights, rear window heater, radio,
etc.  Then honk the
horn ... the sound should be crisp and loud.  If it
sounds weak and anemic,
then it's your battery.  If the horn sounds okay after
loading the battery,
I would then check the starter motor's resistance to
ground.  The strap
could be corroded/deteriorated after almost 20 years of
service.  If the
strap looks okay and the resistance is low (less than 1
ohm), then I would
pull the starter and have it tested by a local auto
electric shop.  If it
tests fine, then it is likely the ignition switch. 
Mine failed (a cracked
housing) on my Coupe quattro 20V.

Kneale Brownson  <kneale at coslink.net> to 928s, quattro 

The lights are supposed to go off when you activate the
starter.  Gives
full bettery power to the starter.

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