No idle 5kcstq - broke something

barry at barry at
Tue Jul 26 04:20:20 EDT 2005

Hmmm- okay, it seemed the car wouldn't idle unless it was fully warmed up-- I
was able to make it home from work (33 mi) without problem, but had to keep the
idle up until the engine was all the way to operating temp, and even then I was
watching the idle all the way home- still wanted to idle a bit low.

I did have to replace my plug wires yesterday, lousy F*@#&ng rodents:

Luckily, I got them replaced for free at Otter-zone (new ones got a few shots of
pepper spray, hope that makes them taste really bad).  I got them all in the
proper order and properly installed (or so it seemed).  I had just assumed when
the idle went wonky that I had jacked something up when I applied too much
vacuum to a vacuum hose.

However, in observance of Occam's Razor (always the right approach), when I got
home I began wiggling the ignition lines to make sure they were making good
contact.  I got the car to idle, albeit a bit weakly- tried working the wires on
the plugs a bit more firmly, twisting and applying downward pressure on each
one, and damned if it didn't fix the idling problem.  Starts and idles just fine

Figures it would be something simple like that :/


Quoting barry at

> Okay, I replaced the small 2" braided vacuum line that connects the hard
> white 
> plastic vacuum line that enters the firewall and the larger one that comes
> off 
> the intake manifold.  'Twas quite brittle- that seems to have fixed the boost
> readout function on the instrument cluster.  -BUT-
> Before replacing that, I attached a hand vacuum pump with a gauge to that
> white 
> vac line to see if I could get the readout to change.  That was almost 
> certainly a mistake.
> Now, when I'm off the gas in traffic, the car will now occasionally drop to 
> ~500 rpm and sometimes it will die if I don't give it a little gas to keep
> the 
> idle up.  Also, the AC functions seem to be only partially functioning- I can
> only get a small breeze to come out of the vents, it's like the center
> console 
> flap actuator has broken.  Have I toasted that vacuum controller thingy that
> sits behind the glovebox?  What else might I have broken, and should be 
> checked?  Making a boneyard run tomorrow, lemme know what else I should 
> probably yank out of a junker.
> Thanks guys-
> =BB=
> Quoting barry at
> > Hey all-
> > 
> > I'm trying to track down the reason my boost display is always reading
> 0.0.
> > I'm getting boost, checked that with a spare gauge.  Just to make sure
> > I'm barking up the right tree, is this the vacuum line that feeds the
> > instrument cluster?
> > 
> >
> > 
> > And if so, at which component and where does the line terminate in the
> > cabin?  Looks like it goes into the center console somewhere...
> > 
> > TIA!
> > 
> > =BB=
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