Sunroof dissasembly on 5000/100/200/V8

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at
Wed Jul 27 12:16:57 EDT 2005

Hopefully you read both of these emails before removing the sunroof.
The first step in this process is to put the sunroof up and disconnect the springs from the pop up panel.
If you have forgotten this, we will see why now.
I like to put the sunroof on a towel upside down on the floor for ease of the following. Slide the cover (headliner peice) toward the rear of the sunroof. If you haven't pulled the springs from the pop-up panel, it will want to slide back on you.
When it gets about two inches back, you can pull it out of the sides of it's guides, one side at a time. Then, replace or recover it, and installation is the reverse of removal.
Tony Hoffman

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