89 200 Turbo -- RUNNING RIGHT! Finally !!

brandon&trenna adams quattrorunner at earthlink.net
Wed Jun 8 01:23:50 EDT 2005

You are a nice lady, I would have a dent in the car to fix and a sore foot.

> [Original Message]
> From: Cat     ^. .^   ~ <iceisit at earthlink.net>
> To: <quattro at audifans.com>
> Date: 06/07/2005 9:27:34 PM
> Subject: 89 200 Turbo -- RUNNING RIGHT!  Finally !!
> Hello fella and sista listers.
> Just brought my car back from a test drive and it is much better.
> I have spent 3 trips and $650 in cash (plus $300 in car rental and 
> $600 in lost time for my hubby's work)plus the heater valve, which 
> totals over $1600 in order to learn that the mechanic, instead of 
> fixing the hard-starting problem which he promised to do, creating 
> over-heating and lack of power.   Not to mention weeks
> of problems which took me away from my own work and cost me a lot
> of money.   We won't mention the stress of it all which cost me a couple
> hundred in doctor bills this weekend.
> It is apparent after my hubby went over every single hose in the car.
> Took them all off and examined them, not to mention a number of other
> things suggested (he sure knows my car better now) ....
> to find as he was checking everything he could tha the timing belt was
> off.
> The hall sensor was responsible for the hard starting and the timing
> belt being off was the last thing he changed.  I drove it each time on
> the service road in betwee various adjustments.
> Now it was NOT off when I left Phoenix a month ago.   The car ran better
> than when I took it in to that shop.  Still hard starting, but I 
> could do 100 on the highway and that car has never in the 100,000 
> miles that I have put on the car
> ever overheated.
> When I left the guy's shop, it had no power uphill and within a short
> started to overheat, then the heater valve blow.
> That was pretty nasty of him to say that the heater valve steam blew
> the wastegate and that would be $2,000 to fix that!   Especaily when I
> to learn that the diaphram can be fixed for much less.
> What miserable human being.
> Thanks to everyone who wrote with suggestions!!!   My hubby learned a lot
> and maybe next time won't take so long to take a look at my care,  :-)
> He did go through all of the suggestions sent, and the only thing he 
> couldn't get
> was some of the codes to work, but he can do that later.
> I learned an awful lot as well.   Particularly to never take it to a
> again!
> I am not sure what I am going to do about the guy in Sedona, but
> writing to the newspaper, AND the BBB, AND the Attorney General's
> office comes to mind.
> I will certainly try the newspapers here as well as maybe the radio
> Who's that guy, is it Nadar?    Maybe I can call him as well.
> (I did not vote for him, but maybe he has some free time now, LOL).
> Thanks again to everyone who helped out with advice and thoughtful
> feedback!   I love my car !
> Cheers,  Fay
> a.k.a.  Cat
> "There is no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast."
> Please check out our web site:
> http://www.AZNorth.com/
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