Where to Find Old Yakima Rack Clips

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Thu Jun 9 17:21:12 EDT 2005

Maybe you could buy new towers?  Is the S-Car roof different from the V8
and '91 200?

The other possibility is checking with the biking and skiing forums.
There's a bunch of those, I understand.  

At 02:06 PM 6/9/2005 -0700, Jim Dupree wrote:
>Not a lot of Audi content here but some. I am looking
>for a set of Yakima Y17 clips for the old SST towers
>for my Yakima rack. These are the clips to fit the
>towers to my 1993 S4. Yakima discontinued the SST
>towers around 1997. I have done searched e-bay and
>googled multiple times. I have only found 1 set of 2
>(need 4) so far, at a bike shop in Chicago. Anyone
>know of an Audi specialist or bike shop or
>recreational supply shop that might have old stock
>around? Or anyone have an old set in the garage they
>don't want? These only fit the 92-97 100/S4/A6/S6
>cars. I really would prefer to drive a S4 on our trips
>bike riding, I have tired of the ford explorer.
>93 S4
>96 A6
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