Where to Find Old Yakima Rack Clips

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Thu Jun 9 18:11:38 EDT 2005

I could buy new Q towers but I have these and they fit
my ford. I would have to buy Q clips specific to my
car for the new Q towers and my ford or transfer the
the towers from rack to rack when I needed the ford.
It would just be simpler if I could find the right
clips. I'm also peeved at the rack store salesman that
said (in his condesending tone) that "Y clips don't
exist anymore", need to show him he is wrong! I have
found many places that have some Y clips just not the
Y-17's I need.


--- Kneale Brownson <kneale at coslink.net> wrote:
> Maybe you could buy new towers?  Is the S-Car roof
> different from the V8
> and '91 200?
> The other possibility is checking with the biking
> and skiing forums.
> There's a bunch of those, I understand.  
> At 02:06 PM 6/9/2005 -0700, Jim Dupree wrote:
> >Not a lot of Audi content here but some. I am
> looking
> >for a set of Yakima Y17 clips for the old SST
> towers
> >for my Yakima rack. These are the clips to fit the
> >towers to my 1993 S4. Yakima discontinued the SST
> >towers around 1997. I have done searched e-bay and
> >googled multiple times. I have only found 1 set of
> 2
> >(need 4) so far, at a bike shop in Chicago. Anyone
> >know of an Audi specialist or bike shop or
> >recreational supply shop that might have old stock
> >around? Or anyone have an old set in the garage
> they
> >don't want? These only fit the 92-97 100/S4/A6/S6
> >cars. I really would prefer to drive a S4 on our
> trips
> >bike riding, I have tired of the ford explorer.
> >Thanks
> >Jim
> >93 S4
> >96 A6
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