How long can a turkey gobble before you damage the water pump?

Huw Powell audi at
Mon Jun 13 23:49:58 EDT 2005

> Since doing my timing belt job, I've only put about 250 miles on my coupe
> (NG).  As the weather got warmer (and thus I drove it more), I noticed the
> tell-tale 'gobble gobble' of a too-tight timing belt (as well as what
> sounded like bearing noise from the water pump).  I got in there and
> adjusted the tension pump per some crafty list archive suggestions, and the
> gobble has largely gone away.  However, there is a still metallic sound
> coming from the general area of the water pump (german-made unit I got from
> blau). 
> I guess "YMMV" the big caveat, but do you guys think I could have seriously
> damaged my water pump in just a couple hundred miles of driving this way?
> If not, what else might be the culprit.  I've been able to rule out the
> power steering pump.  

My '82 coupe has been "gobbling" (more noticeable from a distance than 
up close) for about six years.  Although I don't drive it as much any 
more, it has seen plenty of use and action in that condition.  Seems fine.

Shoot, it's been so long I have to do *another* TB/WP job based on 

Huw Powell

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