quattro Digest, Vol 20, Issue 54

Jonathan Monetti jmone3036 at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 17 16:36:23 EDT 2005


Ever since Kevin Ginsberg & Colin Miller left Princeton, I've gotten the
feeling Princeton is Just Another Dealership...    

Jonathan Monetti
'02 A4q 1.8t
'87.5 Coupe GT

--- Steve Sears <steve.sears at soil-mat.on.ca> wrote:

> 25 years of quattro is almost half over - have you seen any of the 
> dealerships doing _anything_ to advertise the fact?  Cruise ins? Open 
> houses? Invites to owners of "vintage" Audis?  Party plans for a 
> quattroberfest?  Anybody?

If my local dealer (Princeton Audi) is doing anything, I haven't heard of
it. Same with the local chapter of ACNA.

Maybe it's me, but Audi seems to be playing up their 'style' rather than the
technical aspects (like quattro or FSI) that make their cars unique.

Dan D
'04 A4 1.8Tq MT-6
Central NJ USA

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