US Formula 1 race great for Ferarri, bad for Michelin

Cody Forbes cody at
Sun Jun 19 18:12:08 EDT 2005

Robert Myers wrote:
> Most likely due to some rather severe contractual obligations.
> At 03:54 PM 6/19/2005, DGraber460 at wrote:
>>>> We build race tires, but  they can't handle race conditions...
>>>> I wonder why  McLaren, etc didn't just borrow tires from
>>>> Bridgestone...
> Bob
> Http://

All in all though, racing is racing and hardships are bound to happen. I 
personally don't think it is such a dark day for F1, I just think that most 
people out there are forgetting that racing hasn't always been what it is 
today. Cars these days are built too well and are too reliable, it has taken 
an entire aspect of the sport away.

Take Le Mans for example. 40 years ago it was just as hard to FINISH the 
race as it was to win it. Today you see an Audi R8 that as long as nobody 
sends it head on into an armco at full speed the car simply won't break. In 
the middle of the night one bounched off the tire barrier at speed and 
needed some new suspensioin bits and a new piece of front bodywork...15 
years ago any GTP car that did that would have been out of the race.

People are taking for granted that every car is *supposed* to be in tip-top 
condition to start a race, and that all of the racing is supposed to be done 
by the driver. Sorry guys, this isn't NASCAR. The mechanics, the tire 
engineers, the aerodynamicist, the strategists, the guy that torqued the 
heads, the guy that *made* the heads, are all just as important a factor as 
Mr. Schumacher is and thats the way it's going to be for a long time. IMO 
todays events were just another racing occurance where man and machine were 
tested to thier limits, and in this case the machine failed the test. It 
happens, oh well, and even now after watching the race on TV I am upset that 
I didn't have the abillity to be there. I would have applauded every minute, 
just the same as I did when I attended the first USGP @ Indy 5 years ago.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5ktq
'86 5k-t-q
'87 5ktq - Fast.

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