C4 100 ball joint

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Fri Jun 24 19:59:44 EDT 2005

Jim Dupree wrote:
 > You need a better explanation from the inspecting
 > technician as to why your car failed! 94 100 does not
 > have an upper ball joint.

Poncho wrote:
 > Well unless I'm dreaming, I don't thnk your car has
 > upper ball joints.  Doesn't it have a strut assembly?

Brian O'Neill wrote:
 > your "lower" ball joint is the control arm, it takes a
 > few guys and a big, like 4 foot long, pry bar to
 > remove it, but can be done on a nice weekday !!

I feel better.  When the kid (independent shops do state
inspections in NH) said upper ball joint, I just shrugged
and said OK, figuring I'd have to solve the looseness issue
myself (with the help of the collective).

Now I have more searching to do.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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