CV Boot Clips

Dan Cordon cord4530 at
Fri Mar 4 17:24:53 EST 2005

> From: <iain>
>> I am gonna attempt to replace an outer cv boot, i have the oem audi boot kit 
>> and wondering how other folks tighten up the metal rings that hold the boot 
>> on, is it a special tool i need or will something else do the trick???
>> Cheers
>> Iain

I thought there would be more discussion on the topic.

While nippers would probably do the job just fine, I'm in favor of using 
the correct tool for the job. In most cases, there's often a spec given 
for the tightness of a CV band clamp.

The correct tools are typically inexpensive, and most can be had at your 
local parts store (I'm in Moscow, Idaho...20k people...and my three 
parts stores each keep one of most types).

You can see some images of the various band pliers at this link:

(no association with this business...I just found the images with a 
quick google search)

Dan Cordon
Mechanical Engineer
University of Idaho - Engine Research Facility

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