Where is the reverse light switch on a '95 A6?

Tyson Varosyan tigran at tigran.com
Sat Mar 5 11:31:30 EST 2005

The car in question is a '95 A6Q with Auto tranny. My dad is having issues
with the reverse lights not coming on most of the time. Once in a blue moon
they do, but that is not good enough. I suspect that the reverse gear
sensor/switch is at fault. I bought a "manual" online - the multi-CD kind, I
think its a "Mitchell"; it is the worst piece of crap I have ever seen!
Hardly any diagrams, no close-ups and the only thing that it says about the
backup lights is that the switch is located in the "rear right" of the
engine compartment... I have looked everywhere down there and I do not see

I would assume that the switch would be sticking out of the tranny somewhere
and this weekend I plan to jack the car up and take a look. I hope that
maybe someone here can save me some time.


Tyson Varosyan
Technical Manager, Uptime Technical Solutions LLC.
tyson at up-times.com
206-715-TECH (8324)


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