taxes, gas prices, VLAC

Kent McLean kentmclean at
Sun Mar 13 12:59:49 EST 2005

TWFAUST at wrote:
> I haven't kept much of an eye on hybrids, so maybe I have missed something. I 
> suspect that referring to the batteries as "the real source of power" was a 
> misnomer. 

My understanding of the new hybrids, like Honda's, and
I may be totally missing the boat, is that the batteries
power the car's electric motors to move the vehicle around
town, and the gasoline engine recharges the batteries, so
there is no need to plug in to recharge.  On the highway
(here is where I am hazy), the gasoline engine is used
to supplement power and range (higher voltage? voltage
directly to motors?).

I'm sure I didn't clarify anything, so if someone has
a better understanding, please educate us.

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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