dyno day yesterday (pics!)

Brett Dikeman brett at cloud9.net
Mon May 2 00:42:05 EDT 2005

Since things are extra quiet tonight, thought I'd share some photos  
from a dyno session Mark Chang and I went down to check out:


One of the top S4tt's put out 393 whp running on race gas and no  
exhaust past the downpipes.  Wasn't there to see the run, but it was  
reportedly very, very loud.

Mark's car is the Santorini S4, and mine is the black 200q20v.  I  
have a photo of the chart from the S6 (which had a TAP chip and  
modified/screwed down wastegate), but I managed to leave my charts  
over at a friend's house and haven't had a chance to pick them up yet  
to scan in.  After a little spritz with some water, the 200q20v  
managed 214whp running on 93 octane..I think torque approached 250 ft- 
lb early on.  Low end torque was much better than the S6, but the S6  
held HP and torque longer.

   They were not clear about what correction factor was appropriate,  
if any; the owner mumbled something about their dyno reading "20%  
below a dynojet", but Ned says the III+ is only 277hp, and if you use  
that plus a 1.25 multiplier (which Garrett of GIAC fame says is  
appropriate for virtually any quattro, based on his experience  
dyno'ing stock Audis for a baseline), then you're looking at 300+ hp,  
which is extremely doubtful.  With just the drivetrain loss  
mulitplier, peak HP was basically 266-267HP; given that the car  
received exactly zero checks before all this, that doesn't seem  
hugely unreasonable.  This particular dyno was an eddy-current,  
constant load, if I remember correctly.  Any words of wisdom on this  
subject?  Anyone else dyno'd 200q20vs?  There was talk of this last  
year I think, but I  don't remember if anything came of it.

I'm hoping to get charts from all three runs eventually Apparently,  
"three runs, we'll do air/fuel and boost for extra" translated into  
"we'll give you ONE chart of  your best of three PULLS, done in some  
funky 'shootout mode', and we'll do A/F, but no boost because if we  
do boost for you, everyone else will want it too, even though you're  
paying extra.  But we'll do boost for one guy anyway."  I made it  
clear on the "customer survey" I wanted all three sets of charts...

Hearing the car going full-bore was worth it though!


"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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