016 Transmission Drain Plug Adventures

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Thu May 5 14:06:04 EDT 2005

At 12:52 PM 5/5/05, you wrote:
>I bought a Gray one, and it's nice and nuclear-proof and shiny, but it's
>also about 4 inches long, which makes it harder to keep it at 90degrees to
>the plug while torquing away on it.

A couple were too long for my cars, so I took a cut off tool and chopped 
them to length.  Do it right and you get two tools, the original tool now 
shortened, and a short section of Allen wrench you can put in a 
socket.  Maybe why they are so long, so you can adapt them to your 
needs.  I do this all the time with Allen wrenches, if I need a socket 
driver Allen wrench I don't have the actual tool for, I just chop the end 
off an Allen wrench and put it in a socket - instant Allen socket tool.

FWIW, I think they should take Mr. Allen and Mr. Triple Square behind the 
woodshed and beat them about the head and shoulders until they beg for 
mercy for coming up with such a strip prone fastener/tool system.

George Selby 

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