Hydraulic Pump rebuild part info reference 100Q and 5kq

SJ syljay at optonline.net
Thu May 5 16:30:58 EDT 2005

keywords: hydraulic pump hyd rebuild O-rings kit power steering repairs ZF
seal R&R

I took apart the "practice" pump today.
I modified my drag link tool per the Bentley . . ground off the ends so the
tool sits properly in the X cap.

The Bentley manual instruction for removing the Piston caps > "Loosen piston
caps using hand impact driver . ." is pure BS!  This is just an exercise in
frustration. I was whacking away at it with no results. All I got for my
effort was a chipped piston cap. WTF is Bentley's problem? Dont they have
air tools in Germany?

I got out my air compressor, attached my air impact tool . . .and in less
than a minute I had all the caps off, including the  two bolts holding the
two halves of the pump together.
One note of caution, there is a spring under each X cap . .so only remove
the cap about half way so the cap dont fly off. Be real fast on the impact
wrench trigger and use a cloth to capture the nut if you overdo it and it
spins off.

If you dont have an air tool, I suggest you take the pump and your drag link
tool to your local garage and have them knock the caps off with the airtool.
It really is crazy to try and remove the X caps using a hand impact driver.

I read the archives and several listers mentioned lapping the two halves of
the pump in order to get a nice fit.
The back half of the pump cant be lapped because you have that pressure
relief valve retainer in the way. Is that glued in place and cannot be
There is an allen bolt down in the center of the retainer, but it has no
flanges on it. I'm not sure what the function of this bolt is . . . anyone


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "SJ" <syljay at optonline.net>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 04, 2005 4:28 PM
Subject: Hydraulic Pump rebuild part info reference 100Q and 5kq

> keywords: hydraulic pump hyd rebuild O-rings kit power steering repairs ZF
> seal R&R
> Might as well post what I found so far. Will add more info as I rebuild
> pump.
> for Audi 1990 100q
> Family Album listing for both 88 5kq, and 90 100q
> MG 1
> SG 45
> Illust 21-20
> Item 27
> P/N 026 198 049 B, Pump Seal Kit
> Kit consists of 18 pcs  >  1 shaft seal and 17 O-rings of 4 sizes
> Seal and O-rings as measured
> 1 shaft seal 28mm X 16mm X 7mm
> O-Rings
> qty   ID      THK
> 2    8mm X 2mm
> 6    10    X 2
> 8    17    X 2
> 1    36    X 2
> SJ
> 85 Dodge PU, D-250, 318, auto
> 85 Audi 4k - - sold but still on the road
> 88 Audi 5kq
> 90 Audi 100q

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