Problem withVIN #

Robert M porter_t_dog at
Thu May 12 10:14:01 EDT 2005

   Technically yes but in reality you're not likely to get any static for 
it.  As that plate is riveted on it's not really a bona fide ID, since it 
could easily be moved to or from another car.  As long as the chassis vin is 
legible and matches I wouldn't worry about it.


>From: mike mcclurg <rrrrraudi at>
>To: quattro at
>Subject: Re: Problem withVIN #
>Date: Thu, 12 May 2005 07:05:41 -0700 (PDT)
>Brings up an interesting question.
>I have an '89 100q with a cracked windshield and an
>'86 5ktq parts car with a perfect windshield. I
>thought I would swap the good one into the 100q. I
>note that the blank spot for the VIN in the blacked
>out area around the perimeter is in a different place.
>The black paint appears to be between the layers in
>the glass so I can't clear a new place. Am I breaking
>any laws if I move the VIN plate to match the opening?
>'89 100q, 298,000 miles
>'86 5ktq, parts car, still runs
>'01 S4, 120,000 miles, but new to me, takes fun in an
>Audi to a whole new level.
>--- Pollorey <philsfcs at> wrote:
> > Just contact the DMV.  They can verify the identity
> > of the car by inspecting
> > it.  There are VIN numbers all over the place.  They
> > will probably issue a
> > new VIN number and title....or ask the dealer to
> > issue a new
> > plate........doubt that.
> > 	You don't want to be stopped with no VIN plate.
> > They'll impound the car!
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