Problem withVIN #

mike mcclurg rrrrraudi at
Thu May 12 10:05:43 EDT 2005

Brings up an interesting question.

I have an '89 100q with a cracked windshield and an
'86 5ktq parts car with a perfect windshield. I
thought I would swap the good one into the 100q. I
note that the blank spot for the VIN in the blacked
out area around the perimeter is in a different place.
The black paint appears to be between the layers in
the glass so I can't clear a new place. Am I breaking
any laws if I move the VIN plate to match the opening?

'89 100q, 298,000 miles
'86 5ktq, parts car, still runs
'01 S4, 120,000 miles, but new to me, takes fun in an
Audi to a whole new level.

--- Pollorey <philsfcs at> wrote:
> Just contact the DMV.  They can verify the identity
> of the car by inspecting
> it.  There are VIN numbers all over the place.  They
> will probably issue a
> new VIN number and title....or ask the dealer to
> issue a new
> plate........doubt that.
> 	You don't want to be stopped with no VIN plate. 
> They'll impound the car!

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