New England gathering

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Sat May 14 17:26:44 EDT 2005

--- Kent McLean <kentmclean at> wrote:
> Ron Wainwright wrote:
> >   Was thinking that it's been too long since we
> all
> > got together. Maybe time for John Harvards in
> > Framingham, Ma?
> >  Was thinking that maybe a Saturday would be best?
> Was
> > hopping to do it on the Sat before Memorial Day.
> Since
> > I wont be going to LimeRock Park till the 4th of
> July
> > weekend to see the RS6 & R8's race.
> >  Anyway anyone up for a gettogether?
> Sure.  Saturday after the noon rush and before the
> dinner
> crowd works well, as that place can get jammed up at
> meal
> time.  Shoot for around 2 or 3 (meet at 2, look at
> cars,
> eat at 3).
> --
> Kent McLean
> '94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
> '89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke
> '56 Austin-Healey 100 BN2, for sale

  That sounds good. The resturant would have been
mostley cleared out could accomadate us.
 So we could meet around 2:PM & whoever wanted to grab
something to eat could. John Harvards has a good beer
& food selection.
 So far I've got about 5 people who want to come.
There is still a week or so for others to deside.
 Come on New Englanders it's been too long since we
all gottogether.
87 5ksq many mods
90 200tqa many mods
90 V8Q 92k
93 V8Q 138K

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