5th gear switch

William Magliocco magliocc at rocketmail.com
Mon May 16 21:47:44 EDT 2005

>From past V-A-G problems of this sort:

Depending on the car, it could be its own switch, or
the mechanism could be in common with the reverse
switch (newer cars).  Seen them both ways.

IIRC the little plastic nub that contacts the
appropriate "finger" or "thingamajig" inside the
tranny wears out.  So the little "brain" never gets
the message you are in top gear.  The little yellow
light comes on based on engine information, and the
"top gear" switch merely mutes it out.

I am calling it a "top gear" switch as I had it on
certain 4 speed VW cars...

hth Bill M.

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