Power Door Lock 100 wagon

David Torrey davidtorrey2004 at yahoo.com
Tue May 31 13:31:32 EDT 2005

Hi Guys -
In looking through the archives I can't find this particular situation.  Doors remain locked when trying to unlock with remote key or by using key in door.  I have to hold the key to the left and simultaneously unlatch the door.  If  I remove the key the door re-locks.  The infra-red key button will beep the horn and the interior light will flash,  but will not alternately lock and unlock doors.  I wonder if disconnecting and re-connecting battery terminal would re-set system?  Any ideas appreciated.  
Best Regards
David Torrey
1993 100 CSQW
2001 Saab 9 5 Wagon
1979 BMW 320i

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