Inconsistent fuel delivery

Andrew Duane andrew at
Thu Nov 10 14:48:36 EST 2005

Throttle dash-pot? They often get a little gunked up and stick.
I removed the one from my '89 100Q, drove it another 100K miles
without a hitch (and with a MUCH steadier idle).

Hairy green toads from Mars made Matt Bliefernich say:
> Patient: '86 4kcsq
> Symprotms:  The car began by taking a long time to start,  I thought it 
> might be that fuel was draining out of the lines and needed to be pumped 
> back up before it would start.  Then it began to start fine and idles fine 
> when cold but once warmed up a little it begins to vary between 2K rpm and 
> the normal 900 to 1k rpm.  It will maintain the high rpms until the gas is 
> pumped, then it will settle down to normal for a moment and return to the 
> higher rpms.  This happens while driving as well to the point that while  
> accelerating you can feel it jump and settle under you.  Fuel Pressure 
> regulator?  Now yesterday on the way to work the windshield wipers, windows, 
> sun roof, heater blower and rear window defroster suddenly stop working.  (I 
> checked all the other electronic systems and they all seem fine.)
> What I have done:  I checked all the fuses and relays and when I pulled the 
> Fuel Pump Relay it literally fell apart in my hands.  I got a new relay and 
> now the other electronic systems are working again with these few quirks:  
> Emergency flashers are on when the switch is off and off when the switch is 
> on,  dash lights no longer work, intermittent wipers no longer work nor do 
> they return to rest when the control is turned off.
> Questions:  Could the fuel problems be the Fuel Pressure Regulator and could 
> that be being caused by the electrical problems?  Any other ideas on the 
> electrical problems?  Is there something I am overlooking checking out?  Any 
> help would be greatly appreciated.
> Matt Bliefernich
> '86 4kcsq
> '03 A4tq
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Andrew Duane            Member Technical Staff - SPG
SavaJe Technologies     andrew at
100 Apollo Drive        p: 978.856.4943
Chelmsford, MA 01824    f: 978.256.8386

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