VAG-COM Questions
Kunz, Bob
bob.kunz at
Fri Nov 18 10:54:02 EST 2005
Mitchell asked a bunch of ?? about VAG-COM....
On knowing what you are looking at in measurement blocks....
In the VAG-COM directory is a folder called labels which has the
definitions of each controller and measuring block you can look at.
VAG-COM understands through the protocol that data being examined may be
a velocity, binary bits, a temperature, an angle, etc. The files in the
label directory help define what the measuring blocks are telling you.
They have generally been developed by closely examining the shop manual
(particularly ones on CD) for all the sections that talk about using the
VAG 5050 (or some such instrument). This is the dealer equivalent of
The file names in the label directory correspond to the controller name
(part number) that you might be looking at.
On resetting the service reminder...
In setting values, you are simply writing to a register. This is called
adaptation in VAG lingo. For your question about resetting the service
reminder, this is a write only register, so you need to write a zero to
it to reset the reminder. What you did was change the value that the
instrument cluster counts down from. So if you want to do 10K km service
intervals, put 100 in that register.
There really are no websites that spell out the measurement blocks
because they are all "self-documented" in the label files. And those are
derived from the service manual. You are very much on your own. The
label files are simply text files and can be edited so you can document
measuring blocks as you discover additional ones.
'86 5ks avant
'02 TTQR
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