4kq clutch failure?

George Selby gselby4x4 at earthlink.net
Sun Oct 2 15:29:51 EDT 2005

At 01:55 PM 10/2/2005, you wrote:
>Broken CV joint?

I would be leaning more toward this myself.  It's unlikely (highly, 
extremely) a clutch would fail all of a sudden like that, you typically 
notice slippage first, and if you were spinning a clutch disc as you 
describe, you wife would have probably smelt something funny, too.  The 
whirring sound is likely one of the stubs shafts spinning freely.  Try 
locking the diffs and see if the car moves.  I bet it does.  If any recent 
CV work was done, it may be as simple as the bolts have loosened attaching 
the CV to the tranny/diff.  Worst case scenario in this situation is broken 
internal tranny parts.

George Selby 

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