1990 100 Tranny and Steering woes

Jim Dupree jdupree914 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 5 20:42:59 EDT 2005

One of the common failures with these early auto trans
is the seals get hard with age and heat cycles. The
seals on the 2nd gear brake band piston are usually
the first to fail. The piston is on the right side of
the trans exposed to the heat of the exhaust pipe. The
rubber seal lips get hard and don't seal until after
the trans has warmed up and the rubber softens up. The
o-ring on the piston cover often leaks for the same
reasons. It is possible to replace the seal lips and
cover o-ring with the trans in the car but it is a bit
of a pain to do on jack stands. I have only done it on
a lift (still a pain to do). Somewhere in the archives
there is a write up on it (or was).
Good Luck

--- John Parry <parryj at mts.net> wrote:

> Hello All,
> Hoping for some advise on a couple of issues with my
> newly purchased 1990 
> 100 frt wheel drive.
> Purchased the car with 100000 miles on the clock,
> body and interior in mint 
> shape -thought tranny was ok but previuos owner
> probably had it loaded with 
> tranny fix crap. After draining tranny twice and
> refilling with Mobil 1 
> (also cleaned strainer, looked surprisingly clean)
> the tranny will not shift 
> out of first when cold (in the morning, after work,
> etc) but once it has 
> made its first shift (have to redline it to do this)
> it shifts fine from 
> there on in. Anybody experience this or have ideas?
> Second problem is frt end is just percepibly loose.
> I also have an 89 100 
> and it steers like a dream, so i do have a reference
> point. The steering 
> kinda wanders, you have to continually be monitoring
> it and making small 
> corrections. Also noticed it will just slightly pull
> to the left when 
> accelerating and then pull to the right when
> deaccelerating. It is also nt 
> very "fluid" feeling if you know wehat i mean. I
> recently replaced shocks, 
> put a rebuilt steering pump in, and had an
> alighnment (guy at the shop said 
> all joints were good). tire pressures are set
> properly.
> Help!!!
> Thanks,
> John
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