5000 Versions - More info

Tony Hoffman tfh400036 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 6 10:07:08 EDT 2005

Thanks for the info.
Th good part of this is the engine is going into a 1986 with the '86 ECU, etc. It's actually Avi's old car, and quite a nice one at that. It's got a k24, 1.7bar ECU, wastegate spring, and a single pass intercooler. I'm just trying to figure the rest out. The reason I'm thinking that's the part # for the engine is that the engine # starts with an X. This typically means a factory rebuilt engine. I used to run into this at the foreign car repair place I worked at. Quite common on diesels back then. They also have a plate on them about the size of a 50 cent piece. I'm hoping to find it when I pull the engine. Of course, at that point I'll also clean up the engine code an hopefully be able to read it better. Right now I can barely get to it.
Thanks again,
Tony Hoffman

Ameer Antar <antar at comcast.net> wrote:
You probly have a KH motor b/c it's an '85, but you never know what parts have been swapped in. I'm not sure but I thought all valve covers were the same for turbo motors. Of course, yo can't be sure just from the valve cover cuz it could've been mixed and matched with other parts. The only way to be sure is to check the engine number or the part number on the head. The head from the KH will not go onto an MC block (and run properly). 

The KH isn't that bad. It does have a higher compression ratio than the MC and they have oil squirters just like the MC. The main difference is the pistons on the KH are cast, but they're really well designed pistons so they should do fine with extra boost. The long term issue is getting better engine control. The MAC-07 isn't programmable, so the fuel will cutout at about 1.6 bar and the timing maps are designed with that in mind, so if you're going to for high boost, you may have to get a different ECU. Of course they're hacks and would probably reduce the life of the engine in the long run, but that'll happen no matter what engine it is, just to a different degree. good luck.


---- Original Message ----

Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2005 20:31:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tony Hoffman 
Subject: 5000 Versions - More info
To: quattro at audifans.com
Message-ID: <20051006033152.36415.qmail at web54614.mail.yahoo.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

OK, so I went and looked at it. It's a MAC-07. The engine has a part number on the valve cover. It's 034-103-469-B. Anyone know the significance of that number? Also, it appears to have an X starting, then a K for the Engine #. It's not very clear, though. And, it's intercooled. So, I guess it's the smaller engine.

So, does anyone know if it is it built the same as the MC's? IOW, forged pistons, oil squirters, etc. I'm putting it in a car that has some mods, and hoping it will hold up fine. Not really planning on revving the crap out of it, just more boost, and earlier.

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