Audi 5000S Quattro not charging

Al S streichea001 at
Fri Oct 14 15:14:42 EDT 2005

I would sugguest an ampmeter along with the voltmeter, it's a better
combination. Be sure to use 10ga wire for the ampmeter.

'90 80 blk
-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at
[mailto:quattro-bounces at]On Behalf Of Lokkju
Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 8:14 AM
To: quattro at
Subject: Re: Audi 5000S Quattro not charging

Well, thanks for all the responses, and it looks like I probably have
some bad connections somewhere (the crimp pipe, perhaps?  still
working on that, will explain in a sec).  I've tightend up the belt,
which was slipping under high loads, and done some basic engine
inspection - there is a lot of wiring that needs to be repaired
(insulation melted/worn off, etc - it is an old car after all).  I
picked up a multimeter at Radio$hit, and I am definately not buying
one there again - I got it home, opened it up, and tried testing some
standartd batteries, to make sure it works - and the thing turns on,
but it doesn't work at all - bad manufacturing, most likely.  Anyway,
so my next stop is going to be the parts store, and I am planning on
installing two voltmeters - one feeding from the battery, and one
feeding from the alternator.  There any reason at all that this would
be a bad idea?  I am just thinking that with this being a continous
problem, I would like to keep on top of it ALL the time, and two
voltmeters seems the best way (as per an article on the wiki, a common
problem is the crimp tune getting corroded, causing the alternator
voltage to be 14, and the battery be 12).

Thanks for the help!

On 10/12/05, Eric_R_Kissell at <Eric_R_Kissell at>
>                       Lokkju
>                       <lokkju at        To:
quattro at
>                       >                        cc:
>                       Sent by:                 Subject:  Re: Audi 5000S
Quattro not charging
>                       quattro-bounces at a
>                       10/10/2005 04:05
>                       PM
>                       Please respond to
>                       Lokkju
> I seem to be getting a few responses pointing to me having the wrong
> belt installed.. Could soemone give me a suggestion where I might be
> able to get a correct belt?  I live on the Oregon coast, and there is
> not much around here, other then a NAPA, so that is where I have been
> getting my belts, but according to at least two responses, I should
> NOT be using NAPA belts...
> So I guess a mail order/online company to order the correct belt form
> would be my only option, but which place has the correct belts?
> On 10/10/05, cobram at <cobram at> wrote:
> > Lokkju <lokkju at> writes:
> >
> > > I should probably also mention, as it may be related, that for about
> > > the past 2 weeks something sort of odd has been happening - When
> > > the engine fan kicks on, if my clutch is NOT pushed in, the car
> > > really bad - but as soon as I push in the clutch, the squealing
> > > stops.
> >
> > Load on the engine changes when you engage the clutch.  Seems to be
> > pointing to an incorrect belt (you need a Metric belt, a non-cogged
> > metric belt), or a loose belt.  My 200TQA had thrown a few belts, had a
> > hard time figuring it out, but as the car would heat up the belt would
> > just "run away".  Tightening it would only give me about a month or so
> > grace and the belt would throw again.  I adjusted the belt on the car
> > tight, marked the position, removed the belt, then tightened the
> > alternator up where it would be just a tad tighter with the belt on.  I
> > then installed the belt with the screwdriver method and it hasn't thrown
> > a belt in the year or so since I did this.  I suspected that the
> > or whatever might get damaged from an overly tight belt, but was willing
> > to risk it since the only alternative left was to changed the alternator
> > anyway.  YMMV.
> >
> > BCNU,
> >
> > You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those
> > loaded guns and those who dig. You dig.
> >
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