[urq] hesitation, bucking on takeoff - not resolved yet!

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Thu Oct 20 22:37:16 EDT 2005


I concur with those pointing to either an intake hose leak or wiring 
issue. Both of these would fit the symptom because they are aggravated 
by large motions of the engine relative to the chassis. Torque 
multiplication is greatest in the lower gears which leads to greater 
torque inputs to the drive shafts and therefore, thanks to the laws of 
the universe distilled by Netwon, equal and opposite motion of the 
drive train. Actual engine load is greatest in the higher gears because 
of less torque multiplication in the gearbox. It if was an issue of 
cutting out under load it would be more prevalent in the higher gears. 
The engine also has more time to build boost in the higher gears.

While not a quattro, I fixed a Ford Probe with these exact symptoms 
with nothing more than a roll of duct tape. An aquaintince came up to 
me on day and asked me to confirm that his car had a clutch problem. I 
asked him what the symptoms were and he stated that he couldn't get the 
car to move in first or second gear but it idled fine. After driving it 
I ruled out clutch/gearbox problems. The car had plenty of power, it 
just wouldn't smoothly accelerate in lower gears. A quick glance in the 
engine bay revealed multiple cracks in the rubber hose between the 
airflow meter and throttle body. When sitting still, the resting 
position of the engine closed up the gaps well enough for it run 
properly but whenever the engine moved on the mounts the gaps opened 
up, the mixture went lean, and the engine died. I confirmed by having 
the owner set the parking brake and then engage the clutch in first 
gear while I watched the action under the hood. A few minutes with some 
duct tape and it was smooth sailing.

Roy Wendell
Morgantown WV, USA
turbo quattro type 44 times 3

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