what would you rather have?

Jason Kohls jasonkohls at gmail.com
Fri Oct 28 22:04:05 EDT 2005

> If I were buying a car to drive, I'd probably buy the coupe. If I were
> buying a car to keep, no question it would be a 2.8L A6. Boring maybe, but a
> lot less to maintain...

Good points.  I've been averaging about 5k a year for the last 6 or 7
years (I walk to work; only in the winter do I drive) so a "daily
driver" isn't going to be excess.

I'm going to offer the 90 guy $3500 -- I've tallied up about $1500 in
repairs already (just found out that a new bumper cover/valence is
going to run me about $700.  ouch.) -- I doubt he'll take it.

I just found out that a mechanic in town at a garage I was referred to
by some of my Audi/VW friends is driving the same car, albeit with
more km (180K) but in much better condition.  He said he's not sure if
he wants to sell it or not but told me to come by anyways and make an

As for the CQ's, my friend's taking it for a test drive tomorrow;
we'll wait for the verdict.

Thanks again for everyone's input.  The quality of responses and the
genuine care for an automobile family by a community speaks volumes
for the vehicles themselves.  I think its safe to say there aren't any
Taurus fan mailing lists :)

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