Fwd: No warning cut out
jesper moreau
jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 20:35:11 EST 2005
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jesper moreau <jesper5ktqm.audi at gmail.com>
Date: Oct 31, 2005 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: No warning cut out
To: "AUDIJIM at aol.com" <AUDIJIM at aol.com>
I am more than fairly certain that the 5KTQ doesn't have an ignition control
module. Ours is basically the ECU. The 4K does and it is located behind the
glove box. 5ktq's use a different system to initiate spark including the
"timing reference sensor" . So, I would say that you don't have to worry
about an ICM at all. Maybe the three little wires on your hall sender (on
the ign. distributer) are in jeopardy. They are very susceptible to damage.
It may be hard to check seing that it is intermittant. I would open up the
distributer and check the hall sender connections.
My best guess!
On 10/31/05, AUDIJIM at aol.com <AUDIJIM at aol.com> wrote:
> I've received a lot of response to this. I'll try to answer some of the
> questions thus far,
> The fuel pump relay was fairly new. I replaced it because while I was
> working
> at Philadelphia Airport, my fuel pump was running while the car was turned
> off and at work. Get to my car, no start. This was back in 2002. I have a
> few in
> stock and have replaced it today.
> My Tachometer went to zero because I depressed the clutch. When the clutch
> was released, the Tach was again indicating the engine speed, even though
> the
> engine was not running. In other words, I was using the engine as a brake
> until
> I pressed in the clutch. The Tach did not go to zero when the engine quit.
> I have not checked the ignition control module yet. But that's a good
> thought.
> I ordered all the ignition parts today (cap/rotor/wires/plugs) I also
> looked
> inside of my cap today, it didn't look too happy in there. I'll replace
> everything and see if it does it again.
> Thanks,
> Jim
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Jesper Moreau
'88 5KTQ rocket
'86 5KTQ stocket
Jesper Moreau
'88 5KTQ rocket
'86 5KTQ stocket
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