ignition swith interlock

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Mon Sep 5 17:01:58 EDT 2005

On my '94 100 S automatic FWD, I'm replacing the ignition switch.

I pulled the shift/ignition interlock cable sits atop the ignition
switch, to make room to get the switch out.  Pulled the old broken
switch out, put the new one in, and reset the set screws.

As a test before buttoning things back up, I turned the key and
the car started! The key didn't snap back to the run position,
but it worked, so I was happy.

I put the interlock cable back -- slipped the ringed piece into
its hook on the ignition switch, pushed the cable down and snapped
its connector in place.  I put the relay back into its holder.

But when I went to start the car again, the key would not turn!
Argh!  No amount of fiddling with the key, running the shifter
through the gears, wiggling the shifter, or even removing the
interlock again lets me turn the key to start the car. It feels
like the shift lock is locking the key in place.

Any suggestions gladly accepted, as I need the car tomorrow
morning (Tuesday).  I knew I should have started this on
Saturday; why don't I listen to myself?

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke

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