warm starting 200tq

cobram@juno.com cobram at juno.com
Tue Sep 13 19:46:37 EDT 2005

Before you go shot gunning, you should follow the Bentley and start
eliminating the most likely culprits.  Very detailed instructions on how
to check fuel pressure and delivery, spark etc.  That being said....if
the injectors are OEM or haven't been changed in a decade, change those. 
Another likely culprit is the fuel pump check valve not holding pressure,
procedure for checking is in the Bentley.  Carbon, on the 200 not very
likely, but to remove all doubt run a can of GM top end cleaner through
there, can't hurt.  BTW-use the liquid, not the spray, the spray is no
where near as effective as the liquid.

We're just here to catch fish and stink.

 FLIPMONDS at aol.com writes:

> Any listers have this symptom?  When my 200 is warm and has sat for 
> more than 
> 5 minutes it fails to start right up again.  I crank the engine and 
> crank 
> some more.....finally I put the pedal to the floor and crank some 
> more( how 
> poetic!)  In any case after cranking at 10 second intervals for 
> about 20 times, the 
> engine finally fires up.  My mechanic has suggested that there is 
> carbon 
> build up around the valves and injectors giving less than optimal 
> air fuel mixture 
> for startup.  Why only when warm though?  Any remedies short of a 
> valve job?

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