warm starting 200tq
larrycleung at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 22:47:01 EDT 2005
Injector leakage has the same result, loss of residual pressure.
Ask my 200, which thanks to fellow lister Smitty, I solved the
problem a few years back. Not saying this is it (as Cobram suggests,
go through the Bentley procedures) but it's a likely culprit.
On 9/13/05, E. Roy Wendell IV <erwendell at mac.com> wrote:
> > Message: 7
> > Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 19:25:35 EDT
> > From: FLIPMONDS at aol.com
> > Subject: warm starting 200tq
> > To: quattro at audifans.com
> > Message-ID: <204.9fd82d5.3058b9ef at aol.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> >
> > Any listers have this symptom? When my 200 is warm and has sat for
> > more than
> > 5 minutes it fails to start right up again. I crank the engine and
> > crank
> > some more.....finally I put the pedal to the floor and crank some
> > more( how
> > poetic!) In any case after cranking at 10 second intervals for about
> > 20 times, the
> > engine finally fires up. My mechanic has suggested that there is
> > carbon
> > build up around the valves and injectors giving less than optimal air
> > fuel mixture
> > for startup. Why only when warm though? Any remedies short of a
> > valve job?
> > Thanks
> > phillip edmonds
> Forgot to add a bit of theory as to why the check valve matters. When
> the engine is still warm the cold start valve doesn't fire and
> therefore the main injection system is responsible for starting. By
> some quirk of CIS that I don't yet fathom, if the initial fuel pressure
> is too low it won't work right even if the pump brings the pressure up
> almost immediately. If you restart right away the pressure hasn't
> leaked off and the car starts. Wait for the engine to cool down and the
> cold start system kicks in and it starts. Any time in-between....forget
> it.
> Roy Wendell
> Morgantown WV, USA
> turbo quattro type 44 times 3
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