warm starting 200tq

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at mac.com
Tue Sep 13 22:35:45 EDT 2005

> Message: 7
> Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 19:25:35 EDT
> From: FLIPMONDS at aol.com
> Subject: warm starting 200tq
> To: quattro at audifans.com
> Message-ID: <204.9fd82d5.3058b9ef at aol.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
> Any listers have this symptom?  When my 200 is warm and has sat for 
> more than
> 5 minutes it fails to start right up again.  I crank the engine and 
> crank
> some more.....finally I put the pedal to the floor and crank some 
> more( how
> poetic!)  In any case after cranking at 10 second intervals for about 
> 20 times, the
> engine finally fires up.  My mechanic has suggested that there is 
> carbon
> build up around the valves and injectors giving less than optimal air 
> fuel mixture
> for startup.  Why only when warm though?  Any remedies short of a 
> valve job?
> Thanks
> phillip edmonds

Forgot to add a bit of theory as to why the check valve matters. When 
the engine is still warm the cold start valve doesn't fire and 
therefore the main injection system is responsible for starting. By 
some quirk of CIS that I don't yet fathom, if the initial fuel pressure 
is too low it won't work right even if the pump brings the pressure up 
almost immediately. If you restart right away the pressure hasn't 
leaked off and the car starts. Wait for the engine to cool down and the 
cold start system kicks in and it starts. Any time in-between....forget 

Roy Wendell
Morgantown WV, USA
turbo quattro type 44 times 3

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