91 Audi 200 manual

Evan Parker evan at nextgenrealty.com
Thu Sep 15 14:45:25 EDT 2005

Can someone with the manual send me a quick scan of the wheel bearing
pull/replace page?


Evan P. Parker
NextGen Realty
    1243 Comm. Ave
    Allston MA 02134
617 259 7937 cell
    617 208 2141 desk
    617 208 2199 fax

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com [mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]
On Behalf Of Tony Hoffman
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 2:42 PM
To: Chris Thorp; Audi List
Subject: Re: 91 Audi 200 manual

I'll second that. Every time I work on a car that doesn't have a Bentley
available for it, I cry. Wish I could spend $100 on a decent manual for
some of those cars.
Spend the money. How many hours of trouble before it's paid for itself?
Tony Hoffman

Chris Thorp <thorp at spacia.org> wrote:
John S. Lagnese wrote:

>Are there any manuals besides the Bentley? Its awfully pricey.

Yes, there is likely a Haynes manuals. If you don't know how bad Haynes
manuals are, I would suggest not learning. The Bentley is worth the
money. I would advise getting the paper version if at all possible. 
The CD-ROM editions have piracy protection that I feel interferes with
my use of the manual. Also, I hate cleaning grease off my keyboard.

Chris Thorp

'95 A6qm Many $$ saved on maintainence by owning the Bentley. :)

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