AC Service Port relocation/extension hoses?

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Sun Sep 18 15:53:14 EDT 2005

At 02:51 PM 9/18/2005, you wrote:
>As you may know, if you've ever serviced your AC yourself on a 4000 or 
>Coupe GT (or any typ85 for that matter)...the low side service port is a 
>major PITA to get at. So, I had this idea...a relocation/extension hsoe.

>I'd bet there are lots of cars where the service ports are hard to get 
>at...this would be useful for a lot of people...

DO a google search on automotive ac adaptors.  I got one from a company in 
Arizona, cheap, too, like less than $10.  I needed it for the 45 degree 
angle on the fitting.

George Selby 

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