Gear Lube for mdl 80 diff?? Eric_R_Kissell at
Mon Sep 19 13:12:43 EDT 2005

The Audi gearcase requires a GL-4 rated gear oil.  The GL-4 rating
indicates that the gear oil has satisfactorily passed a number of tests for
various friction, wear, corrosion and other characteristics.

The Amsoil you need is:

(MTG) Synthetic Manual Transmission and Transaxle Gear Lube 75W-90 API GL-4

This is a brand new AMSOIL formulation of GL-4 targeted at the VW/Audi
gearcase among others. I just talked to Amsoil on the phone and was told
that this is what you need.

The 80W-90 GL-4 is a bit thicker cold than a 75W-90, but this should not
bother you in the warm climate you must endure in Hawaii. I use Amsoil
80W-90 GL-4 in one of my cars in Northern Ohio. Note, this oil is no longer
available from Amsoil because of the new formulations they just released.
Also, the tech support guy who talked with me said that the VW/Audi oil
runs on the thin side of the 75W-90 weight.

In the past, Amsoil listed their 75W-90 as GL2-5 MT-1 gear oil as meeting
GL-2 through GL-5 rating, but they currently only list it as GL-5.  When I
asked them about the GL-2 through GL-5 rating in the past they replied that
it was indeed stabilized to satisfy GL-4. The corrosion tests that GL-4
gives you are covered by the MT-1 rating, though the AMSOIL tech guy said
the amounts of certain additives differ between a GL-4 and a GL-5 MT-1
rated oil.

Anyway, if you get the new (MTG) Synthetic Manual Transmission and
Transaxle Gear Lube 75W-90 API GL-4 oil you will have the ideal oil for
your car. Also, note that this new MTG oil appears in the "Transmission
Fluid" section of the web site and not under "Synthetic Gear Lubes" where
you might think to look.


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