NAC Help dealing with credit bureaus (reply off list)

Cody Forbes cody at
Wed Sep 21 20:26:26 EDT 2005

Ok, so my credit file has a major blemish on it...a loan that wasn't paid off ($2600 or something like that that wasn't paid), but the date on it corresponds to me being 15 years old (6 years ago). I have never had any credit cards in my life, no accounts, no loans, etc, yet this loan apears on my report. My father has the same first and last name, and address, which I believe is how this came to be on my file - he has been known to not pay for things. I haven't needed credit for anything, so I never let it bother me and I only tried to dispute in my free time..which equates to a total of maybe 3 hours of effort in the past 2 years.

Recently after moving halfway up the eastern seaboard in an effort to get away from my father (I'm debating if 770 miles is far enough away or not still) I have needed to apply for various accounts and things, and been denied across the board. About a month ago I attempted to obtain a report from Equifax, but was denied because they "could not verify my identity". After calling and learning I needed to fax them my basic important documents I did just that. I faxed a copy of my drivers liscense, passport, SS card, and birth certificate thrown in for good measure. On each and every of those documents my name read as "John Cody Forbes". After recieving a confirmation e-mail I went online and viewed my report. The name on the report (even after providing my SSN) was "Colby Forbes", and the report was clean without a single detail of anything on it, not even a street address. I have since attempted to call and e-mail them countless times to no avail. I gave up on them temporarily, and moved on to TransUnion. After paying my $30 upon attempting to view my report TransUnion says "We are sorry, but we are not able to verify your identity. Please call....yada..yada...blah...". I attempt to call, and even though they claim to be open 3am through 8pm EST the message says "I'm sorry, we are closed. Our business hours are 3am to 8pm EAST 7 days a week, please call during those hours" when I call at 6pm EST. I'm going insane trying to deal with the BS!

I know there is somebody out there with experiance, maybe if I'm lucky we have somebody with legal knowladge that pertains to my situation. What are my options? 


BTW, there are some updates to my website, news posts about how the engine build is going and such. By winter my 10v should be pumping out some seriously healthy numbers.

-Cody Forbes
'86 5ktq
'86 5k-t-q
'87 5ktq - Fast. 

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