My 90q was stolen

Jim Jordan capnkidd at
Thu Sep 29 17:50:47 EDT 2005

<<<<<no top posting>>>>>>>

>  -----Original Message-----
>  From: Brett Dikeman [mailto:brett at] 
>  Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 5:22 AM
>  To: Evan Parker
>  Cc: Jim Jordan; audifans
>  Subject: Re: My 90q was stolen
>  On Sep 28, 2005, at 11:54 PM, Evan Parker wrote:
>  > yeah my car got taken from howard st in waltham.  Sucks.
>  We have a couple of listers in the general area, and Boston 
>  is kind of a small town too....we need more info, though.  
>  Color?  Model year?  Stock or aftermarket wheels?  License 
>  plate?  VIN?  Got a photo?
>  I remember hearing someone in the Audiworld crowd who had 
>  organized meetups has a close relative who is in the Waltham 
>  police.  I can poke around if you like.
>  Brett
>  --
>  "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary 
>  safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin 
>  --
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Hi Guys,

Thank you for associating me with a stolen 90Q.  I don't have one, never
have had one, and lnow nothing of the theft.  I was included in a
distribution list by someone by mistake.

I would like to have a 90Q, however.


Jim Jordan

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