window will not go up

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at
Mon Apr 3 21:45:40 EDT 2006

> The window motor repair procedure is clever. Part of the process is  
> "tie
> wrap the two halves together so all the little bits do not fall out  
> onto
> you filthy garage floor". It was time consuming, though not difficult.
> The only part that was hard was realizing that there was a totally
> invisible e-clip holding the glass to the regulator. That was NOT
> mentioned in the Bentley.
> Dave

On my last go around with Audi type 44 window regulators I got smart  
and did it the way the factory does i.e. assemble the window and  
regulator in it's aluminum frame and then install it into the door  
shell. I wish I'd figured that out years ago. Four bolts and the  
whole window assembly comes out so you can work on it at the bench.  
Just draw circles around the bolt heads with a Sharpie before  
removing and keep track of how many shims are under each of the two  
bottom bolts.

E. Roy Wendell IV
erwendell at
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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