1988 5000S rear window replacement

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 17 10:41:16 EDT 2006

Hi, Brett

I've never R&R a window before but I did have to pop
back in part of the lever mechanism that came apart on
one of the door opening handles.

I removed the inner door skins and noticed at that
time, if memory serves me well, complete access to the
glass/ window regulator.

Dou you really need to remove the whole door to R&R

> Pull the inner panel straight up gently and out.
> You won't get far- have a helper ready to disconnect
>things (you will have to clip a plastic tie for some
>room) and lay the door down.

Thom, as for your statement: "timing is everything,"
INDEED to that. And sometimes is not on our side, just
like in this instance for you.

Don’t feel so bad.

Just a couple of days before my plan to R&R the fuel
pump on my 5KTQ, the damn lock on the trunk lid
decides to quit!! Key did not work nor vac. mechanism.

I spent about a week, on and off, trying to figure out
how the heck to get the trunk open, which coincidently
had all my tools inside needed to work on my other

Thanks to the help of the listers here, I'm happy to
report that I finally got the trunk lid opened on

-Best Regards,


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