200 tqa questions
Kneale Brownson
kneale at coslink.net
Tue Apr 18 16:14:20 EDT 2006
That's a 10-valve engine car. I'd take the hose to a rubber items supply
place, the kind that makes up hoses for fire departments, pump operators
and big trucks and see if they can't come up with some way to bridge the
gap between the metal bits. Doesn't have to withstand a GREAT deal of PSI.
I'd bet your wiring issue is in the driver doorjamb. Probably lots of
exposed wiring in there from the insulation breaking down from flexing. I
replaced all the wires in that area on my 1991 200 20-valve.
You're on the wrong side of the pond to be preaching about driver
positioning in a car.
At 01:47 PM 4/18/2006 -0400, Geraint Lloyd wrote:
>I'm a newbie on the mailing list.
>I just bought a 200TQA, in west Montreal, that was
>listed on audifans by
>a Mr J.Bell. the car seems in good order and the
>vendor pointed out the
>main issues and in some cases provided the spares to
>fix them. :-)
>I needed some transport to go off camping with the
>family and at the
>price, it seemed the best way forward
>it seems a bit different to my trusty golf 2 gti
>notably, since i just
>arrived from the UK, 'cos the steering wheel is on the
>wrong (left) side.
>I thought that the germans were supposed to be good
>with little details
>like that!
>FYI: I used to run an independent VW/Audi specialist
>garage in North
>Wales (UK) and am therefore not unaccustomed to
>pulling cars apart.
>the daftest audi thing that i managed to do at the
>garage was change an
>87 coupé quattro clutch by myself using spanners, 2
>jacks and 4 axle
>I say daft 'cos i got a bit tired whilst trying to
>bench press the box
>back into place and had to take a 40 minute break to
>get my strength
>back whilst lying on the floor under the car with the
>gearbox on my
>chest. I won't be trying that again (alone) any time
>I have a couple of issues that i need to cure, on the
>200, and was
>advised to ask you guys, by a couple of members in
>montreal who dabble
>in Ur-Quattros
>So far, i have fixed the green gold leaks with
>re-manufactured hoses and
>got some decent oil pressure back by replacing the
>Fram oil filter with
>a decent Mann example. as yet the ABS is U/S but I'll
>get to that when I
>have a mo and have fully digested all of the useful
>info in the FAQ/
>tips area
>the problems that I have are:
>1. boost leak.
>i have a j tube between the turbo and the intercooler.
>this is in 3
>parts (visible from the outside) and comprises a
>rubber hose from the
>turbo, a metal tube that EKTA tells me is a silencer /
>pulse damper and
>a rubber bellows at the connection to the intercooler
>(035 145 760). the
>boost leak is at the bellows that audi tells me is
>NLA. i can replace
>the whole thing with 034 145 746F but thats 300 CAD
>tax. not a big
>deal, but if there is a cheaper solution that is just
>as good, then all
>the better for me and the bank manager
>Anyone know of a suitable replacement for the bellows
>manufacturers / sundry bit of plumbing etc)?
>2. rear electric windows
>the rear window regulators/ lifter motors work
>the passenger side works with the key in but ignition
>off, the driver's
>side only works with the ignition on.
>if i press the switch to give control of the rear
>windows to the rear
>passengers the fuse blows.
>i guess that the fault is either in the armrest/door
>handle switch block
>or in the door bellows somewhere.
>Anyone else already had this fault or am I on my own?
>ta in advance for any help
>for the picky individuals among you, i would like to
>remind you that
>there are:
>RHD- Right Hand Drive vehicles and
>LHD - Wrong Hand Drive vehicles.
>god save the queen!
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