1999 A4 Gas tank refill door
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
iain.atkinson at tesco.net
Tue Aug 1 04:08:25 EDT 2006
yes it's locked when the car is locked, to open it you just push on the edge where the hinge is, there is no internal opening button as such
> From: cobram at juno.com
> Date: 2006/08/01 Tue AM 09:04:11 BST
> To: rliotta at alaska.net
> CC: quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: Re: 1999 A4 Gas tank refill door
> I'm sure someone on the list with A4 experience will chime in with the
> correct answer. But Teutonic BTDT would lead me to conjecture that the
> gas door will unlock when the doors are, with an emergency pull tab in
> the trunk (well, that's how Mercedes has been doing it for about 2
> decades.) If the previous owner doesn't find the manual, you can usually
> buy a copy from Bentley Publishing or a bone yard.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> Health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.
> "Liotta Family in Alaska" <rliotta at alaska.net> writes:
> > I just bought a 1999 A4-- the prior owner is still lookig for the
> > Owners
> > Manual-- and I can't find the button to open the gas tank refill
> > door!
> >
> > Can anyone help??
> >
> > Thanks very much---- Rick
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